Reference: 7736502713
Junkers' Elacell Excellence electric boilers with a more modern design are an excellent option for obtaining hot water and are supplied in capacities from 35 to 150 liters. It also has electronic control and the installation is reversible
Energy class: C
Useful Capacity: 80 l
Height (mm) x diameter (ø): 960x486
Empty accumulator weight kg: 24 approx
Electric power (kW): 2
Heating time T = 50 ° C (l / min): 2 h. 54 min
Accumulation temperature ºC: 8 - 70
Maximum pressure (bar): 8
Reversible installation (horizontal and vertical)
Sheathed resistors
Vitrified steel tank.
Great insulation capacity.
CFC-free polyurethane.
Mounting accessories included.
Temperature indicator display.
Degree by degree temperature control.
More modern design.
Easy for replacements due to its installation template.
Protection by magnesium anode.
ON / OFF button.
The classification shows the energy efficiency of a specific product. The classification of other products in the series may vary from time to time.
Bon dia, dir que la marca ( Junkers )en sí ja et dóna unes garanties per el seu prestigi; a més he de dir que tinc altres termos i calderes de Junkers i sempre dónen un bon resultat.
Lo tengo una semana y por el momento contento con el termo. Al ser digital permite ver en todo momento la temperatura del agua. E importante por si quieres programarlo con un enchufe temporizador es que guarda memoria de la temperatura que se le ordena que llegue. Yo tengo placas fotovoltaicas y programo el termo en el pico de sol de un día para otro, guarda temperatura objetivo.
El diseño es prácticamente como cualquier termo de su gama. Me decidí por la fiabilidad de la marca y por el control visible de la temperatura en el interior del calderin. Como lleva sólo 10 días en funcionamiento no puedo decir que tal se comporta. Eso será el tiempo quien lo dirá.
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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.