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Special descaler for disposer to clean SFA disposers and pumps 2l DET2LE


Reference: DET2LE

Offer: €37.65 (€30.61 Without VAT)
PVP: €49.20
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Eliminates limescale and residues, respecting the rubber of the components Extends the useful life of the appliance Allows better operating efficiency Product adapted to septic tanks Formula and doses tested in the laboratory The Sanitrit special cleaner descaler (2 L) is the only descaler approved for SFA products. To extend the useful life of the appliances, it is advisable to carry out maintenance by regularly cleaning the shredder.


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Eliminates limescale and residues, respecting the rubber of the components Extends the useful life of the appliance Allows better operating efficiency Product adapted to septic tanks Formula and doses tested in the laboratory The Sanitrit special cleaner descaler (2 L) is the only descaler approved for SFA products. To extend the useful life of the appliances, it is advisable to carry out maintenance by regularly cleaning the shredder. The special descaler and cleaner for grinders has been developed to remove limescale at the heart of the appliance while respecting the internal components of the machines (gaskets?). It will make it possible to eliminate limescale residues that can form over time. The four characteristics of the softener:, Specially designed to respect the rubber of the components, A formula perfectly adapted to small diameter drains, Product adapted to septic tanks, Formula and doses tested in the laboratory

Comments (1)

| 04/02/2025 | Verified purchase
Special descaler for disposer to clean SFA disposers and pumps 2l DET2LE

És necesari pel motor

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Questions (1)


Hola, me gustaría saber cada cuánto tiempo hay que echar este producto para mantener limpio el Sanitrit. Entiendo que hay que echar 1 litro cada vez. Gracias. Saludos.

Store response | 05/09/2024


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