Reference: 910205
Direct flow compact osmosis equipment 1.5L minute
A new generation of reverse osmosis
K10 Direct Flow RO is the latest and most modern reverse osmosis equipment. Its careful design and versatility are designed to adapt to the characteristics of any home. It combines a high capacity to produce pure water with a minimal amount of rejected water. This translates into great water savings and more sustainable operation.
Compact, versatile, functional and smart
Unlike other reverse osmosis equipment, in the K10 the filter cartridges are inside the equipment and “disappear” by putting an aesthetic lid on them, which favors its functionality. It has an intelligent display that alerts you to the status of the equipment, as well as possible problems that it may have and the useful life of the filters. To change them, you just need to turn them as indicated in the instructions and you can continue enjoying pure water just by turning on the tap.
Water for the whole family
K10 Direct Flow gives you the possibility to enjoy the pleasure of a pure, safe and healthy glass of water in your home.
Good for your body and for your health, the water omotized by the K10 Direct Flow is almost 100% free of substances such as microorganisms, heavy metals, pesticides, etc. Only what you want remains: authentic pure, safe and high quality water.
Sustainable value
Unlike other home reverse osmosis equipment, the K10 Direct Flow does not have a tank. The pure water will flow uninterruptedly from your kitchen tap so that you can enjoy it according to your needs. In this way, no waste is generated or plastics are used that pollute the planet.
The pleasure of cooking
Pure water to wash fruits and vegetables. Freshly purified water to cook and enhance the flavors of infusions and coffee and to maintain the crystal clear transparency of ice cubes. Real pure water to accompany your meals. Explore new dimensions in your kitchen with the K10 Direct Flow.
Compact and modern
The K10 Direct Flow is designed to be easily installed under the kitchen sink and concealed just by closing the cabinet.
Purification technology: Reverse Osmosis.
Prefilter: 5 micron sediments.
Reverse osmosis membrane: 600 GPD.
Flow: 1.58 lpm.
Efficiency / Recovery:> 50%.
Consumption power: 80 W.
Dimensions (A x B x C in mm): 430 x 231 x 324.
Weight: 15 Kg.
E cambiado los filtros 1/2y4, y el displai està el filtro num.2 intermitente. Seleciono el filtro y hago un reset y continua igual. Que debo hacer para que el display de este filtro va quede fijo.
Buenas tardes desde el proveedor nos comentan que es posible que el equipo se haya bloqueado. Pruebe de hacer reset o a desconectar el equipo.
Si el problema persiste, no dude en volver a comnetarnoslo.
Bonjour je souhaite savoir si le k10 est identique à celui de France ? Le temps de livraison ? Et proposez vous le mitigeur adaptable directement ? Merci pour vos réponses
On ne sait pas s'il est identique, ou si les mesures de connexion sont différentes.
Le délai de livraison en France est de 4-5 jours
Bonjour, l'osmoseur est-il livré avec son robinet ? Avez-vous des robinets permettant de recevoir l'eau osmosée et l'eau du robinet dans le même appareil ?
Bonjour, oui, il comprend le robinet.
bonjour, je voudrais avoir des renseignements concernant osmoseur k10, au tarif proposé cela comprend quoi. est-il prèt a l'emploi ou il y a des élement a rajouter. merci de votre réponse
Bonjour, l'osmose est prête à fonctionner.
Hace un mes que lo compre y estoy muy satisfecho de este equipo. És muy sencillo el cambio de filtres y el tds del agua és de 046. Recomiendo este equipo K10.
Un 10 producto y entrega ya es él segundo que compro este es para mi Hija..... Muy fácil de montar
El envío llego en la fecha prevista, muy fácil de montar, la calidad del agua perfecta. Mi opinión general es de gran satisfacción.
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