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SANICOMPACT C43 toilet with grinder-pump system


Reference: 100804

Offer: €727.46 (€591.43 Without VAT)
PVP: €1,188.18
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A toilet that integrates a grinder-pump system: it allows to create a toilet in the smallest places. Silent, Compact, Handwash connection, Low water consumption


More information

The SANICOMPACT C43 is an ideal device to install a secondary toilet with a sink up to 3 meters below the level of the general downspout of the house or 30 meters away from it.

The compact concept is ideal for creating a toilet with a sink in the tightest spaces, particularly the SANICOMPACT C43 model since it is only 43 cm deep. Compact operation is simple: they have a double flush button (1.8 liters / 3 liters) that starts a rinse - crush - evacuation - rinse cycle. When you press one of the drain buttons, a solenoid valve opens and draws the water directly from the home network, just like a washing machine. This system avoids the installation of an external cistern.

The SANICOMPACT C43 disposer can also evacuate the water from a sink, through a connection with a 40 mm diameter tube. The appliance has a detector that automatically starts the pumping system when the water reaches the motor. The SANICOMPACT C43 is evacuated with a tube of only 32 mm in diameter. This evacuation can be carried out both on the right and on the left of the appliance. With its renewed motor system, the SANICOMPACT C43, saves a lot of water per year and has a quieter operation than the previous generation!

Number of tickets available


Inlet diameter

32 mm

Motor consumption

550 W

Electrical class


Sound level

51 dB (A)

Maximum horizontal evacuation

30 m

Maximum vertical evacuation

3 m

Videos (1)

Comments (5)

| 02/08/2024 | Verified purchase
SANICOMPACT C43 0100804 toilet with grinder-pump system

Súper bien. Tenía miedo del ruido y sorprendentemente para que desagüe una lavadora.

| 24/08/2023 | Verified purchase
SANICOMPACT C43 0100804 toilet with grinder-pump system

Todo muy correcto y rápido Es la 2ª vez que pido y todo muy bien. Muy Recomendable !!!

| 27/05/2022 | Verified purchase
SANICOMPACT C43 0100804 toilet with grinder-pump system

Acabamos de instalarlo. Todo perfecto. Hubo un problema ya que la compañía de transporte detectó que venía roto y no lo entrego, pero a la semana me trajeron otro nuevo sin ningún problema. Funciona muy bien para un aseo en el que era mucha obra acceder a la bajante general. Todo perfecto

| 01/09/2021
SANICOMPACT C43 0100804 toilet with grinder-pump system

Precio y entrega inmejorables.!

| 24/03/2021 | Verified purchase
SANICOMPACT C43 0100804 toilet with grinder-pump system

Parece que todo esta bien, pero es demasiado pronto para valorar (todavía no se ha estrenado) .- EL ASPECTO ES BUENO. EL EMBALAJE SUPER.---

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (5)


Slave, Se arriva il prodotto e non si trova con gli attacchi. Posso mandarlo indietro?

Store response | 19/04/2022

È un prodotto di difficoltà nei trasferimenti poiché è di porcellana, quindi nel reso rischi che non arrivi in ​​buone condizioni. Consigliamo di rivedere la scheda tecnica per evitare resi su questa tipologia di prodotto.


In caso di acquisto esiste il bonus entro € 1000 ?

Store response | 18/02/2022

Non capiamo la tua domanda, tutte le nostre offerte vengono applicate automaticamente all'accesso al carrello.


Riesce a smaltire anche la carta igienica? grazie

Store response | 02/11/2021

Se solo la carta igienica, altri tipi di carta come gli asciugamani, non puoi distruggerla e intaseranno il water.

See all questions

Salve, sono possessore di un WC SANICOMPACT C43 con sistema trituratore-pompa, marca: SFA SANITRIT , purtroppo si è rotto il coperchio coprivater, Per caso ne avete uno in abbondanza e se sì a che prezzo? Grazie sergio amione

Store response | 26/08/2021

Buon pomeriggio, non abbiamo alcun coperchio in stock, consulteremo il fornitore per il riferimento e il prezzo.

Store response | 07/09/2021

Buenas tardes , el precio de la tapa es de 101,64, mas gastos de envio.

Atentamente, el equipo de Voltiks.


Volevo sapere se è compreso di copri water .

Store response | 21/07/2021

Buongiorno, sì questo lo include

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