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Adaptable sanitary disposer horizontal outlet SANIPRO 0100900


Reference: 100900

Offer: €534.67 (€434.69 Without VAT)
PVP: €1,047.96
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A pumper-grinder to create a bathroom anywhere, up to 5 meters below the evacuation level.


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It has 4 entrances to collect wastewater from:

a WC with horizontal outlet through its central entrance

a sink for its upper entrance

a shower through one of its low side entrances

and a bidet for another of its low side entrances

Its integrated pumping system allows it to evacuate this wastewater up to 5 meters high or 100 meters horizontally, and that through a tube of only 32 mm in diameter. The SANIPRO start-up, like the other devices in the range, is automatic. The system works by the pressure exerted by the water when entering the tank

The connections of the bathroom appliances (washbasin, shower and bidet) are made by means of 40 mm diameter pipes. Evacuation is carried out by an elbow (included) pre-equipped with a non-return valve. It is recommended to evacuate in 32 mm even if the elbow has several diameters available.

The SANIPRO sanitary disposer has the latest SFA developments on noise reduction. The device is equipped with a series of silent-blocks that absorb most of the transmitted noise. In addition, the device works with a very short cycle of 2-3 seconds. This appliance does not emit more noise than an external tank that is filled.

Comments (5)

| 02/10/2024 | Verified purchase
SANIPRO 0100900 sanitary disposer

Excelente producto y muy rápida y buena atención

| 04/08/2024 | Verified purchase
SANIPRO 0100900 sanitary disposer

El producto llegó a tiempo y en perfecto estado y al mejor precio.

| 23/09/2023 | Verified purchase
SANIPRO 0100900 sanitary disposer

produit conforme. Installation rapide.

| 02/08/2023 | Verified purchase
SANIPRO 0100900 sanitary disposer

Todo perfecto, espero q dure tantos años como el anterior que era igual

| 17/12/2020 | Verified purchase
SANIPRO 0100900 sanitary disposer

Excelente, vinha tudo completo e a entre foi rápida.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (7)


Boa tarde. Tenho em minha casa uma bomba sanipro xr que avariou. Só preciso de bombear de uma sanita e um lavatório. Gostaria que informassem o que devo comprar para fazer a substituição. Obrigado. Orlando Alves

Store response | 07/10/2022

Dê uma olhada neste produto.



cuando terminara esta oferta

Store response | 28/07/2022

Es el precio que encontrarás en nuestra tienda on line hasta cambios de tarifa de proveedor.


Tengo un sanipro xr pero no me sale la referencia que indicáis. En el type pone P30 EN 12050-3. Es lo mismo? Gracias

Store response | 10/04/2021

Correcto es el mismo modelo.

See all questions

Olá Estou à procura de um Saniflo para uma casa de banho na cave com máquina de lavar roupa também é possível com o SanifloPro?

Store response | 22/02/2021

Buenas tardes, tendría que montar dos sistemas un Sanitrit para el WC y un Sanivite para la lavadora, ya que el Sanivite no esta preparado para la temperatura de las lavadoras. Atentamente el equipo de Voltiks.


Se podría conectar una lavadora en lugar de un bidé y la ducha, el lavabo y WC???

Store response | 08/02/2021

Buenas tardes, por motivos de la temperatura del agua no se puede montar lavadoras en este equipo. Hay otros evacuadores preparados para lavadoras como el: https://www.voltiks.es/bomba-de-evacuacion-sanivite-bb1/ Atentamente, el equipo de voltiks


Hola me interesa para montar 2 bombas Sanipro en un Bar me gustaría sabe si en caso que en el baño de las mujeres puedo tener problema, si alguna yo que se tira la compresa en el bater gracias

Store response | 19/10/2020

Buenas tardes, si que tendrias problemas, el triturador solo esta preparado para papel. Atentamente, el equipo de Voltiks.


Boa tarde! Quero encomendar 5 unidades desta, quero saber quando conseguem me entregar em Rua Cais de Alfandega Velha nº 41 Lisboa e os custos de transporte.

Store response | 27/07/2020

Bunenas atrasado, desculpe pelo atraso, mas tivemos problemas com a conta de e-mail. Informe que o envio para Portugal está incluído neste artigo. Prazo 5 dias úteis. Atenciosamente, a equipe Voltiks

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